We perhaps could have chosen a better day for it but hey the thought of getting Our Daddy out to air her canvas was to much. The weather had been blowing a good F5-6 easterly, north easterly for a good few days, those of you who klnow the Bay will now that that means swell!!
Our D's bobstay sything through the waves |
Our good friend Fred came out to give us a hand while Steve and I worked out how this did that and so on, thanks Freddy. We slipped off her mooring and set off down the fairway so that we could get the bowsprit launched having already set the small mizzen sail, Steve shouted up from the stern to hurry up as his steerage was a bit iffy! or was that no existant? Fred and I tensioned the sprit and hoisted the Jib, with the jib unfurled the old girl answered the helm and her head started to come round in the right direction, out into the Bay we headed. Within a few cables of exiting the fairway the bowsprit was disapperaing into the swell.... we ll it needed a wash. Next up was the mainsail! between Fred and I ut went up... sort of! we decided on a reef as it was still pretty gust out there, being used to single line slab reefing it was a wake up call to tie in every pennant on the main to reef it, it is a big sail. Reefing done we set the main, you could feel the power as we came onto the wind even with reef two in. We set off across the Bay towards Ore stone, as her head came down into the waves the bobstay sythed a cut into the water, it was great to watch, but we needed more sail. Fred was now on the helm as Steve and I set up the Staysail, up that went, a couple of adjustments of the sheets and that too was set....... god she was looking good! Vigilance popped her head out for her thursday afternoon sail it was a call of "lets gybe her over and say hello"... Had any of us ever gybed such an achreage of sail? No! oh well in for a penny in for a pound! She came round beautifully and we headed off towards Viggy at an impressive 6.5knots, not bad for virgin gaffer sailors, another gybe and we were above and slightly ahead of Viggy and that is where she stayed, we matched her speed and held her off. Mind you with all the hands she had on deck it would have been light work. Mentioning light work we decided it was probably a good call to head in for the day as we still had all this sail to put away and the sprit and bumpkin so in we headed.
The debrief was in the 'Blue' a well deserved pint and a discussion on what went well and 'what is a work in progress' there was definately more of the later. We al agreed that she is a magnificent lady, beautiful to look at, wonderful to sail, we can't wait to take her out again and are looking forward to ther 2015 season and all the trips we have planned.
I will put the other photographs we have on the website when I get time, have a look at the OUr Daddy Classic Sailing Facebook page as I have uploaded a timelapse video of one of our slick tacks.
Blog soon